加拿大企业主工签Canada Owner-Operator Work Permit
1- 加拿大EE技术移民
2- 加拿大联邦投资移民/自雇移民:如果您是主申请人,而且您的学历是海外学历。
1- 如果申请人有至少一年的加拿大大专或者大学学历,则不需要进行学历认证。
2- 如果申请人的净资产达到5000万或者更多,可以申请豁免ECA学历认证。
1. CES:Comparative Education Service: University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies 多伦多大学进修学院对等教育服务
2. ICASC:International Credential Assessment Service of Canada 加拿大国际学历评估服务机构
3. WES:World Education Services 世界教育服务机构——速度最快,可以只认证最高学历。
4. MCC:Medical Council of Canada 加拿大医学会
5. PEBC: Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada 加拿大医药检测委员会
1. 专科医生(NOC3111),全科或家庭医生(NOC3112),必须通过加拿大医学会MCC做ECA。周期长达半年,一般只认可本科学位。
2. 药剂师(NOC3131),如果需要取得该该职业的执照,必须通过加拿大药学研究董事会PEBC做ECA;如果不需要执照,则其他ECA认证机构均可。
3. 如果申请人的职位是其他职业,可以查看移民局指定的学历认证机构官网或者直接与其联系,查询一下哪一个机构适合,需要考虑的因素:材料清单、认证费、认证时间。一般都选择WES (World Education Services),速度最快,可以只认证最高学历。
College certificate
Completion of college-level certificate
University certificate
University diploma
One-year certificate in [name of discipline]
College diploma
College diploma (two years)
Diploma (two years)
Two-year diploma in [name of discipline]
Secondary school diploma and diploma (two years)
Associate degree
Associate of [Arts/Science] degree
College diploma (three years)
Diploma (three years)
Three-year diploma in [name of discipline]
Bachelor's degree
Applied Bachelor's degree
Bachelor's degree (three years)
Three-year Bachelor's degree, specializing in [name of discipline]
Bachelor's degree (four years)
Four-year Bachelor's degree, specializing in [name of discipline]
Post-Bachelor's certificate
Post-Bachelor's diploma
Graduate certificate
Postgraduate certificate
Postgraduate diploma
Two-year postgraduate diploma, specializing in [name of discipline]
One-year postgraduate certificate in [name of discipline]
Study towards a Master's degree
Master's degree
Master's degree (Taught)
Master of [name of discipline]
Master's degree, specializing in [name of discipline]
Earned Doctorate degree
Earned Doctorate (Ph.D.)
Professional Doctorate degree
Doctor of [name of discipline, such as Business Administration, Law, Psychology]
1. ECA学历认证报告必须要在加拿大移民局指定的学历认证机构做认证。
2. 学历认证报告的有效期是5年,也就是说学历认证报告下来到递交移民申请的时间不能超过5年。